The drive up

We went into the Uinta mountain range to Murdock basin which is in the Ashley national forest. There have been 13 alleged sightings or vocalizations in the Uinta mountain range.

The snow started coming down on us when we were passing through Heber, Ut. The whole drive up i just kept thinking about how most stories that end with up search and rescue saving the day, probably start out much like our trip did. Going to far into the mountains in a horrible snow storm. We might rethink doing a trip in weather like this again. it was fun but pretty hard battling the snow.



We kept our fire burning bright.

Some of the scenery


Here is Jesse cooking breakfast for Jon and I. It snowed on us for all but about two hours of the trip and then as soon as we set off down the mountain the sun came out.

Tracks in the snow

These are the only tracks we came across on this trip.

The drive out of the Murdock Basin area.

The drive out was much easier than the the drive in. We didn't have as much snow to deal with on the way out as we were expecting.


This is the satellite image of the area we were supposed to go to. We didn't quite make it to those lakes because the snow got to deep and stopped our progress. We were only a mile away from them. We're going to make the trip again in the spring.